Countdown spells boring. Maybe to me only. D: But, somehow, I have been waiting for 2009. Maybe for some reason that doesn't seems to matter anymore. (:
Gonna spend countdown at home watching shows I guess. (: Anyway I don't really like crowded places, so yea. (:
I didn't really do much this whole year. I guess I just spend my time playing & thinking(day dreaming). Haha!
Work? Talking about work, I'm kinda a failure. 8 days over at my uncle's workplace to be their stand-in file-r. LOL! It was totally, super boring. Trust me, you won't want to stay for long. But then, the pay was good!
Then, another 8 days at Mid Summer Night Breeze. I learn quite alot there I must say. But, it's a damn tiring job cause it's like 5pm to 3am. I quit a month before my papers, to study.
So, for like 365 days, I only spend 16 days working. Ohohoh. It's kinda bad. Yes? No?
2008 had been real memorable for me, so much new experiences. (:
My beloved friends! (: I had spend another year with those wonderful friends of mine. Been through ups & downs. I hope our bond stays this strong. (: NTN, TG, Badminton peeps, Primary/Secondary school mates... (:
I have lost important people on my way but they stays in my heart for life. (: I'llmissyou.
I guess I will miss 2008. Hmmm...
2009... Now, there's something which I had been thinking for some time. I had no idea what course I wanna take. & to be true, I'm afraid of receieving the result. I really do hope I do better. I fear... the same result...
Ok, apart from that...
Just came back after meet-up with primary schoolmates to have dinner, talk & get presents from Charmaine who just got back from Genting. (:
Anyway, I'm awaiting for Friday's arrival. (: Stayover at zy's! :D
Alright, I shall continue watching my show. (: I guess maybe I'll not blog tomorrow. If I do, I think it will be just some thoughts. (:
Haha! I was bored, thus. Awiting for the clock to strick 12 now & it's 2009! :D
Nothing beats having such great girlfriends, NTN! :DDD Out on the 23th of dec, early christmas celebration with BFFs. :D
First up, dinner buffet at The Dragonboat Restaurant at HarbourFront. :D It cost us 29$ each to have sharkfin, crabs, prawn, 'mantou' & many more! (: Record breaker. Lol! We broke the record of the restaurant! 50 'man tou' for a table of 7 girls! Even the manager was laughing away as he serve us the plate of 50th 'man tou'. The waitress that served us even laugh & gave us a shocking face when we wanted to ordered more. Lol. Next, we went to have a Cable Car ride. It was a last minute decision Leona suggested. :D Oh man, the first time we girls went together! Initially, we wasn't allow to have 7 all in a cable car & we got to spilt up. But then, the uncle was so nice to allow us to do so! :DDD It's was so funny up there. & Omella scream just to scare us & next up, Leona. Hahaha! It's never fun without them. (: We alighted at the station near Mount Faber to have a snow show. It's so fun! :D How nice is it to be with this bunch of wonderful girlfriends? Veryveryveryveryvery nice!
NowThanNever. MerryChristmas people! :D We even tried to jump but sad case, fail. But, nevertheless, we're enjoying. :D Backs to lean on. Look carefully to see us. :D Hahaha! This shot is so nice, I like. Haha. (: We left Mount Faber for Sentosa & then back to Harbour Front. & we train back together. :D A very memorable day spend! (: I hope for more to come, I'm awaiting I should say. Haha! (:
Oh yea, that morning (23th) was back to Northbrooks for friendly match! (: All seniors turn up except for Omella. Well, she's busy painting her house the night before,thus. Friendly match was _. Fight almost occur. Oh, bad. But, luckily everything was alright after that. (:
Homesweethome. The night (22th) before was spend at Charis's house, stayover. We had like less then 6 hours of sleep. So, we decided to head home to sleep instead of having lunch together cause I was damn shag. & that afternoon (22th) was spend at Omella's house with Charis, Pj & Owen, painting the house. (: Babie was such a dear that day. So obedient & adorable. (:
& on the 24th, Christmas Eve, I spend it with my beloved family except for Daddy, he was working! D: We had dinner together with Mum's friend, Charmaine & Charis, all together over at chong pang. (:
& then, it was over to Charis's house yet again. I have been going there cause her family is away to Malaysia so I was there to accompany her. Haha. Sister & Charmaine was there too. Then, Charmaine left for my house when Brother went to fetch her. (:
Yeemay came in the late night then. We just joke around, watching youtube, laughing away. Haha! Then, when the clock strike 12, Merry Christmas! (: We went shouting in her house! Haha!
I was preparing to send messages at 11.58 but damn it! It kept failing. ): Clashes, too many people sending. My apology if some of you did not receieve it. Sorry!
Oh yea, Charis use my phone to call lots of people to wish them too that night!! My bill!! Haha! But, actually I was the one who gave her the nood. Haha. (:
Walked home with sister at around 3am & home with like 20 people at my house. Brother's friends spend their Christmas eve at our house. They had chitchats session, mahjong session & drinking session. (:
Down on my bed asleep only at like 6 or 7?
Late the very next day! SORRY! I was suppose to meet Yeemay, Eugene & Charis at 2 but I overslept!
We had sort of like an outing to Myron's condo for some pot luck. Lol. Eventully, we had pasta session! (: Mahjong, cooking, washing up, swimming, steaming room for 'suana'... Haha! We girls were so 'shiok' having 'suana' till we miss the last bus! We cabbed home then. (: Today was spend sleeping away! Hahaha! But, I did not laze away my day. I did house keeping! (: I'm so glad I did. ((:
Grandmum & Jiayi came over! :DDD Dinner with Brother, Charmaine & Darry over at KFC. (: & homesweethome!
Tomorrow! I have like 2 BBQ parties to attend. But, it clashes. DDD: There's badminton & primary school mates's bbq. I decided to give badminton bbq a miss cause I promised the other first. So, yea. Actually, there was another event, zy's condo for stayover but it was postpone. Goodness, lucky. If not I'll have to travel to & for. It's like so far away. Lucky. Haha. :D
It's new year eve now. Since I'm home, I decided to update! (: Oh yea, on the 27th, Myron's condo yet again. This time for Christmas BBQ. (: I eat hell alot, no doubt! Oh man, fats! Oh, I intro myself to Yeemay's friend this way "I love to draw, I hate mahjong"! HAHA! But, the facts is I'm disliking mahjong as days goes by. No idea why. Haha.
Stayover & mahjong session. (: Watched "Ghost Ship" on tv to pass time. & then, cabbed home the next morning. Thankgod it was a sunday, no extra charge. (:
How adorable is the dog? There's a uncle who always walk this dog 3 times a day! & I just so happen to see the dog that day 3 time so I decided to take a picture. Haha! (: Alright, ciaos! :D
It's the 19th now. Ohoh. Not on time again. But, the day is on the 17th or 18th yea? Cause I upload all the pictures without resizing for easy grab & it was already 5 in the morning when I was done. & I was tired so I save it as a draft. So, now, I'm going to finish up this post. :D
Didn't sleep for the night & went ahead to northpoint to meet up with the rest. We were like running late. & so, we ran through the market to the bus stop & took a cab.
Later did we know Myron was late! We waited for the bus that will fetch us to Malaysia then. At the same time... Unglam photos right in the morning. Lol!
Eugene's belonging that consits of king size shampoo, body shower & toothpaste. HAHA! He's like going away for a month when we're like going away for 2 days! LOL!
The little van 9 of us was in. (: There's even a little DVD player to kill our boredom in the long ride which is like hours before we reached.
All the people living there lives in places like what we called 'Bungalow' & there's no HDB flat there at all. (: Cool huh. Haha! We drop by the driver's house to get Yeemay's birthday cake. But she didn't even realised. Haha!
We reached the place too early cause we thought there will be traffic jam but there wasn't so, we went for the boat ride first.
Everything is like floating on the sea. So nice luh. I thought I'll get sea sick but I did not. Too excited already! HAHA! Don't even know for what lor. Hahaha!
Our so call "guide". (:
That's where they keep the fishes they caught. It's so fun walking there! But not with Myron behind you. Haha! Lol. Inside joke!
Fishes. But I had no idea what was it called. Lol!
Same goes for this. Haha!
Oh, they name this the "small shark". The skin s rough & hard. I did not touch it but Eugene did. So yea. Haha!
Seahorse! It's like so small! We can't really took our time to take a picture cause the guy said that it can't live out of the water for long.
& then, the puffer fish. It's lik th most active one that th guy took out. Haha! It just keep moving! But sad thing, I did not get to see it gets fat alive! D:
The dog there don't fear peopl at all!
Time for our lunch after the ride! (:
When we were making our way to the chalet, it was drizzling so we took umbrella. & I think Eugene ate too much &...
We were all laughing like mad. LOL! Finally! We were amazed at how big the place was! It was damn clean too! We thought it was going to be damn dirty & yucky but no! The place we stayed in was cool! Way too big too! There's like 3 room open to us & each room can fit 8 person luh! (we only have 9 people there.) It's a queen size bed & double decker. & there's like a kitchen, a ktv room, 2 living room (one by the balcony & one right outside our room & that one is like so big! Enough to fit like 8 mahjong table luh! No joke!), balcony of the size of a room with tables to chill... You have to be there to see. My goodness. Haha! I'll for sure wants to go there again! :D
The balcony. That includes the wooden flooring. Lol! & look at the "small" living room. This is the smaller one as conpared to the one inside. Lol! So, as the others played mahjong inside, the rest of us relax by the sea! :D I love the wind. (((:
Then, a game of chinese chess! (: & if you're wondring why some of the chess pieces is not at the right place or of different sizes, it's because we had two set of chess but with missing pieces so we got to mix & use some as sub since some was missing. (: Mudskipper seen everywhere!
Oh, the coconut there is so damn nice! (: I like!
Nonsense started. Haha!
Fireworks we played! I'll upload the video after asking Charis how do I do that. Hahaha!
&, while the rest is playing firworks, that include Yeemay, Bev & I went to get the cake. Ready to surprise her. Haha. There was a time when she turn & both of us hide like siao. Haha! Damn funny luh. Lol!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL! (: See, she's so happy! :D I hope you like the present Charmaine & I gave you & I hope you enjoyed yourself! :D Much loved!
When I was busy cutting the cake for the others to eat, Myron & Yeemay played, with the cake! So, it was all dirty! We as in Charis, Charmaine, Bev, Eugene & me mop the floor then!
Oh, the five of us share a room too. Cause Eugene was chased out by Myron. Hahaha! You will know what I'm talking about if you know. Haha.
& Eugene looking like a _. Hahaha! Look as though he wasn't in any clothes. Lol! But he was in his singlet & shorts if you look carefully. Haha! Oh, I bluetooth some of them in the night when we were lying down, ready to sleep & they laugh like mad when they saw it. Haha!
The next morning, we rushed. Cause we slept till it was noon despite Eugen, Bev & Auntie's screaming & shouting. Haha! & we were suppose to check-out by then!
Goodbye chalet! We headed to the resturant for lunch. & when we were about to leave, flood!
Car ride to the shopping mall, Jusco! (: Saddening! I did not find what Omella wants! D: But, no worries, I'll find it in singapore. Lol!
On the bus awaiting for the rest so that we can set off for Singapore.
Our tour guide on the phone, planning for the next year trip already! Haha! & the boy in orange is anutie's son. & take a look at the group photo somewhere on top to spot his mum. She's bobby's wife. If you did read my previous posts, you'll know how I know her. ((:
Goodbye Malaysia, Hello Singapore. (: / ):
Enjoyed my trip! If only it's 3 day 2 night! D: Nevermind, I shall wait for another trip next year. Haha! Now, I'm awaiting for ZhenYang's stayover! :DDDDD
& after the trip, Charmaine came over to stay over after she went home to put her stuff. & if you're wondring why she's always over at my house, it's not because she loves me too much. HAHAHAHA! It's because she's attached to my beloved brother! !!!!!
The next day, we went to town. I was the only 'extra' one cause there'e like 2 pairs of couple. Lol! But, I wasn't neglected. (: After I exchange my thing & we had our late lunch, all went back to my house for mahjong. & my previous post says it all. Haha. 3 pair of couple left the house, Sis & bf, Bro & gf & Ym & M. Haha.
Then, the next day, I was up late in the afternoon & we decided to play badminton near Sara's house! (:
I made my way over with Charmaine & my brother. Eugene reached damn early. Lol. So, the 6 of us played. :D From badminton to blindmices. Back to those good old days. (:
Then at around 9(?), Sara & Charis went back to Sara's house while the rest of us over to 288 to play basketball. I suck! Ohmygod. No matter how people teaches me, I still suck. Lol!
Now, I'm aching all over & I think I'm going downstairs to shoot the ball yet again & at the same time bring lappy downstairs to brother now. Haha!
Oh, yea! Congrats ADRIAN TAN! (: Work hard for O's! I'll remember your "roots & fruits". Hahaha! (:
PS. if the letter "e" is missing in any word, pardon yea. Cause I need to press damn hard on the keypad cause it's spoiled!